Crazy UAP out over the Ocean just offshore of Atlantic City
What restaurants/businesses should we avoid due to their support of the current administration? Which should we patronize?
Who do I look like?
I been told I look like Lady Gaga??
Insane Jet Blast at St. Martin Airport – Tourists Get Blown Away by MD80 Series Aircraft Takeoff!
12-time American Ninja Warrior practicing. Brett Sims
What’s yours?
Elderly woman confronts Israeli soldiers shooting near her in south Lebanon, after Israel defies the ceasefire agreement and decided to occupy parts of Lebanon today
Mother of the year protects her daughter from raccoon
Just wondering
She spins at a crazy speed
Fire rainbow
How much to live comfortably here?
Skeptics, help me understand motive
man deflects knife attack
What does my fridge say about me?
What part of the US am i n?
The Magical Moving Goalposts
What do these 2 have playing on that 8 track stereo?
you asked for it . . .
What a pineapple field looks like
Do not park in a space that someone has dug their car out of.
Body found beheaded at Louisville Railroad
Predictions - Schools Back this Week or Not?