Trump finally calls out the Ukraine scam
Are they gonna talk about this? Wtf
View from inside Tidewater Landing Stadium 2/7/25
Is smoking a tobacco pipe while hunting okay? Would it scare the deer away?
Alan Shawn Feinstein and aliens correlation? Or encounters with him?
Smoked a couple store bought pepperonis + my own honey on top of a 7-Eleven frozen pizza 🤘
Slow last day but made for a good lunch
Got destroyed on r/food by anti hunters. Never posting there again.
Idk how I feel about this…
Wounded russian soldiers and African mercenaries. According to the person who took these photos, 7 people got wounded after 10 minutes on the battlefield
RI State Senator Jessica de la Cruz publicly asks ICE to raid Providence next
Does your kayak have a Name?
Behold the best roast beef in all the lands.
Decoy set up
Goodbye Salmon
“Castle Bravo”, the most powerful nuclear device ever detonated by the US, captured by a B57-B Canberra(1954)
Providence 💕
Why does Rhode Island have the highest rate of bladder cancer in the country?
Celebrating a fresh kill
I suspect someone shot one of my pigs
Name a place to eat in RI that’s nasty, but people hype it up
Anything interesting?
Any guys out there over 30 with no wife or kids feel like they are left out of everything?