Connecting a second monitor using an adapter
About the ending of Joker 2....
Joker 2 Review
Best pub to watch the hawks game on Friday?
Mark Robinson's 2024 All Australian Team
Should I be worried? Please answer
Celebrating 1 year nic and vape free
Why does it feel like my withdrawal symptoms are getting worse
How long after I remove a Nicotine patch can you smoke?
I want to quit, but it’s so hard.
I can’t believe i’m actually doing it
Which day was the hardest for you when quitting?
I’m an idiot
Official Gear Purchasing and Troubleshooting Question Thread! Ask /r/photography anything you want to know! February 05, 2024
Suggestions for a flashgun
How do I find out what lectures are currently running
How do you apply a threshold to only the text layer?
Some you’ll just get a link
Why is there hate for mematic watermark?
To this day tails has never failed me
I’ve still got one though.
Everything I thought I knew was a lie
I've heard these don't work anymore, how unfortunate
I made lots of meme
Not the motherfucken bash boost!