Internet: Social Media ist tot
TikTok, AliExpress & Co liefern europäische Daten an China aus
Who is the biggest Aura farmer in the Sonic Universe?
„Für den Aufschwung müssen wir arbeiten“: Habeck fordert höheres Arbeitsvolumen in Deutschland
Even after death, The Hunt is eternal.
Nach Schulden und Insolvenz: Tupperware stellt Geschäft in Deutschland endgültig ein
Any addon to make this more simple or just remove the art? [help]
MoveAnything [help]??
A Handful of Mogs from PTR | Preview
My Casual Classic Steam Deck [ui]
Plunderstorm - Let us use the interact key please!
The warband spell to unlock all maps is pretty useful, but I think it's time for another QoL, going to these patch places on fresh alts to farm stuff is a bit of a drag when a bunch of intro quests are needed.
To attack a woman with no repercussions.
Wild blood hunter
Der Wunsch nach einem eigenen Haus: So hoch muss das Netto-Einkommen heute für den Kauf sein
I love being a hrothgar, don't get me wrong, been one for almost 3 years but the fact that we STILL can't wear hats irks me and the limited hairstyles aint helping so I'm gravitating to becoming catboi
Juristinnen und Juristen fordern AfD-Verbotsverfahren
Waiting for meta achievement world quests to appear
Please add expansion features to the achievement overview
I think we need to talk about button bloat... (example below resto shaman PVP build). This is too much...
Delves Will Now Require 12 Runs To Max Out The Vault(11.1 PTR)
I made my own Hearthstone - I'm really proud of it
Gefälschte Abnehmspritzen: Fette Welt, dicke Geschäfte
Bundesregierung lehnt generelles "Böllerverbot" ab - wollen den Kommunen aber mehr Spielräume geben
Into the next round