Luna is a happy girl after being rescued from a shelter. Her personality is starting to show.
Caught this northern pike at Rifle Gap
Rifle Gap Colorado
Tired dogs after after a long day of fishing
Sleepy dogs after a long day of fishing
Lake life
Rainbow Trout at Mack Mesa Lake Colorado
Rainbow Trout at Mack Mesa Lake
What stop you from killing yourself?
How’re you feeling tonight?
How was your first day of 2025?
What does your user name say about you?
What’s your favorite video game of all time?
What’s the first thing you’re doing in 2025?
Who is the scariest person you know irl?
How do you avoid hating life?
What motivates you to get out of bed every day?
How’re you feeling now that Christmas is over?
A fire on a Winter Solstice night.
Winter Solstice Fire
What kind of meals and side dishes do you have for Christmas?
The last full moon of 2024.
When texting, what are some signs that you're drunk?
Luna lounging as always!