So you think how much real gay all the girl are ? or all just act ?
Have anyone saw this anime called Comic girls. Hollyshit The similarity is uncanny (Kaoruko Moeta-Sakura Miko)
How did you discover hololive and is this the reason why the girl in question is your oshi?
anyone else ?
John Wick at home
4 million dollars for a regular home in Albuquerque is fucking insane
Know what, Peter ?
Straight hands no powers, who's winning?
Who would win between 2 immortal king?
Is it possible to make real 3D display with multilayer screen ?
"The PSP was one of the first machines that had the hardware to allow you to play 'proper console games' on the go": Developers celebrate 20 years of Sony's handheld
Do you considered Human undead as the worst & laziest kamen rider monster design ever?
Is this canon?
What are your favourite characters that are quite obviously written by a woman?
What's the 13%?
These three panels made me cry
Get your fanfiction right !
[Spoiler] Anybody else absolutely love Sense's new look?!
New Saiyaman movie look lit