My 152-piece 3D Printed Electric Turbo Prop Model with Variable Pitch Propellers!
What are the coolest inland freshwater lakes?
Subnational Human Development Index Map - 2022
Is Honda about to improve sales as it cuts prices?
Would you support a private jet ban in Australia?
Most efficient method of using of AC?
Last Successful Violent Regime Change In Every Country
Has anyone gotten braces as an adult?
Would the greyhound bus be a suitable option for me? Traveling 3 months on the east coast.
Visited from Sydney on the weekend
The Australian Common Kingslayer. Named after the American tourist, Robert King - that it killed.
🔥 The common kingslayer (Malo kingi) is a tiny species of Australian Irukandji jellyfish, named after Robert King, an American tourist killed by one in 2002. It’s venom kills by raising blood pressure to lethal levels, causing brain haemorrhage.
The King Brown or Mulga Snake. Australia’s largest venomous snake. It bites repeatedly and chews, capable of delivering enough venom to kill 20 adults. It hunts other snakes and is resistant to their venoms.
An Aussie spec cruiser accessory.
The Australian red-bellied black snake. Only mildly venomous and a calm temperament.
Enamel Dishware Durability
Seriously, what can we do?
The morning going a bit wrong for a currawong
Australia Essentials
Pacific Palisades
Australian newspaper take on German tourists
What the heck is up with home ovens and pulsing convection fans?? Seriously...
Even the best of us need a hand now and again
TIL there is no such thing as a private beach in Australia. All land that the high tide touches is owned by the Crown - and therefore public land - even if erosion moves the high tide mark inland.
Cannot get any medical records overnight?