What’s your addiction that isn’t illegal or sexual in nature.
How can you stop feeling that your partner is cheating on you, when he goes out or doesn’t reply.. (even tho they never did cheat or found something)?
AIO For asking my boyfriend what a girl did to him?
What's hard about dating you?
Did you ever do this?
Changing kanton as a 18 years old
What's one fear you know you'll always have?
Which app you use to look for online friends?
How did you more friends?
What did you do to grow out of your sad phase of your life?
What makes you feel confident?
Changing Kanton
How do i help my boyfriend ? (18F) and (18M)
AIO for getting mad at my boyfriend for this?
Babe are you okay?
What was the most horrifically embarrassing moment in your life or one you witnessed?
What's something you thought you would never like but now you love?
How do i earn more money?
What’s something crazy you did to feel more happy?
AIO for thinking it’s cheating if..?
Come faccio a guadagnare qualcosa in più?