Afternoon session.
Arizmenda • Without Circumference... is up for preorder
New year new arrivals.
Todays newest pickup
Stuff I’ve played this week
The red ufo of Slovakia is a flare
Starcave - Sukta
Finally got one of my grail albums. First new record of the new year too
Time to start saving up
Goatowarex titles at His Wounds
Got my first Black Metal vinyl for Christmas
Grampians might be on fire but Aus post still delivers 🔥
Orange Orb spotted disappearing and reappearing over North Hollywood, CA (12/20)
Few new arrivals
Has never actually been played.
Kasturn - The Torchbearer Fades
Why is Arsenal so good at Corners and other set pieces ?
The post doth cometh.
Some spins for this evening.
Wasn't cheap, but I needed it
Svolder - Desecration Of The Five Holy Pillars reissue
Ixiol is up at Arcane Altar
Is it worth becoming a nurse?