What rangefinder with lightmeter would you recommend as a first serious analog camera?
Most overrated camera
What is the most beautiful place you’ve ever visited?
Is it worth developing and scanning your own film?
Wo lasst ihr eure Bilder drucken?
grauer Sonntag | Yashica T3 Super, Ilford HP5 [OC]
Weltraum / Astronautenfilme - welche würdet ihr empfehlen?
Trying to dip my toes into the horror genre.
After/Before - Sunset drone shot
A Silent Walk AFTER | BEFORE
Why these rings around lights in GoPro Hero 9 Videos?
Kawaii, Hawaii
Aussie Summer Garden
Weekend hike, X100VI
Sunset light and brutalist concrete - X100VI
Santa Monica Pier, shot on Fuji X100VI
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