Save the gare!
Do you get offended when you hear people talk bad about your country?
Gender war stuff is incredibly counter productive, is actively reducing birth rates, and should probably be banned on a sub like this.
Lasconi is on fire
Any Wiccans here from Western NY?
POT anunță că a strâns numărul de semnături necesar pentru a începe procedura de suspendare a lui Iohannis / Emanuel Ungureanu este singurul parlamentar USR care a semnat
Same sex couple legally adopt their son in Israel 🏳️🌈❤️
RTL Today - Justice or tradition?: 7/7 shopping centre employees support Sunday opening times reform
The fertility crisis cannot be solved entirely within the context of a hyper-capitalist society
On myth, and the way it does, and can, change over time, with new interpretations being just as valid as those that came before, as myth has been personalized as it passes from country to country, person to person, it is fluid and every changing.
Medic de familie, filmat în timp ce refuză un pacient: „Iar venişi? Hai, la revedere”. Explicaţiile doctoriţei
A rise in the number of single people is becoming a key driver of falling birth rates
Regarding dating apps
What are some of the best ships in League of Legends? They can be canon or fan-made!
That cracked me up
Literally in Luxembourg
Daca protestul ar fi doar anti decizia CCR si fara CG sau alte mizerii cati ati iesi in strada?
How do you call Istanbul?
How I feel leaving consulting
Syria's new leader is gay 😲😨 He shakes hand with a man instead of a woman
Dad doing things right.
A Yakut child in traditional winter dress, Siberia
Is this alert a joke
Squid game - varianta conspirationista mioritica
Unusual incident: Emergency crews pull naked person from Alzette River on Tuesday afternoon