Nüshu is Hiragana's Niche sibling
Bro, That's not the "last chance" of the furry fandom bruh ☠️
Not Stellar blade and Hade 2 again...
The totally normal development of my conlang's vowels explained
The descendants of PIE words trying to not troll linguists for a second: (impossible)
Finnish is Just Uralic with fossilized Proto-Indo-European words
Buryats Hungarians and Malagasy really "is the distant one"
Lolicon trying to not compare yiff to loli for a second be like (impossible)
Another Daily L take again, Haiyah
Nuxalk trying to not troll linguists for a second (impossible)
The Half Transfur: Femboy awakening
This 12 year old girl got more bravery against slavery that those isekai protag combined.
Wait a minute... Isn't [ʔʼ] impossible to pronounce!?
Wah, JoUrNaLiST! /s
Hypno Cat says a verbal equivalent of the T-pose against humanity:
Daily lesson: Don't derived your alphabet from the Imperial Aramaic Script
Mongolian lose a lot of vowel for sure...
Liberty or (Identity) death: Colin edition
"Truth is immortal" — Anonymous
There's no such thing as "Changed Straight male character" — Everyone
What is the weirdest sound you have evolved in your phonology?
Bruh is more obsessed with domination and submission than most kinkster in a bad way for sure.
Technically it's Yañailf but eh, It's indirectly Cyrillic
Chinese love loaning shit /srs
"Nationalism don't mix with linguistics" — Everyone.