3 things you should never include on a dating profile
My ex-girlfriend (16F) broke up with me after I(17M) decided to make flirty jokes with her best friend. I dont know how to deal with the guilt of hurting her like that.
As a man, how do you have options like women do when it comes to dating?
Ladies, if you catch a guy looking at you, say in his early 20s to early 30s, would you find it weird? If not would you want him to look away immediately or would you rather he keep his gaze, and for how long?
[Serious] As a man, how do you have options like women do when it comes to dating?
What to do if they bring up sex too soon?
You can hit on people at the gym
Have you ever developed a crush on a guy without knowing a thing about him? If so, why?
Whats the difference between approaching and introducing yourself to a girl or guy you find attractive and cold approaching, both cases you are only approaching only because you are physically attracted to them?
[serious]To the people who say to approach and introduce yourself to the girl or guy you like, and at the same time to advice pick up artist advice, whats the difference between approaching and introducing yourself and cold approaching, if in both cases you are only physically attracted to them?
To the people who say to approach and introduce yourself to the girl or guy you like, and at the same time to advice pick up artist advice, whats the difference between approaching and introducing yourself and cold approaching, if in both cases you are only physically attracted to them?
Is it a good idea to snap cute/sexy photos to someone to reignite their interest?
I feel like im not physically attractive enough to women to have them interested in getting to know me beyond a simple 2 minute interaction when I approach them. Any advice?
Women are annoying
[Serious] What kind of rejections did you have to face before you met your first girlfriend?
What kind of rejections did you have to face before you met your first girlfriend?
How many rejections did you face before you got your first ever girlfriend, how old were you when you got your first?
Tell me why she felt the need to tell me this when I was trying to be flirtatious with her..
If women dont like to be approached at the gym, why do I see so many women talking to other guys at the gym?
How do you tell the difference between a woman looking at you because she is attracted to you, and if she is just looking at you because you look weird or she's creeped out by you?
Should a person hookup if they are dealing with a breakup to get over loneliness and lack of physical affection? What was your experience like?
How do you deal with anxiety or severe loneliness from being single when almost everyone around you is in a relationship/showing off their relationship in real life or on social media
[Serious] How do you deal with anxiety or severe loneliness from being single when almost everyone around you is in a relationship/showing off their relationship in real life or on social media?