Diplomacy in 40k
LOOK HOW THEY DEFACE MY GIRL! Step-father's son in law drilled holes in gun.
Why do Karens live here? Is there a manager to speak to?
The Mask Slips: Press Secretary’s True Identity Exposed in Press Room Clash
Monster Hunter Wilds?
What would you name this nation?
Redoing my yard, what I be crazy to remove this?
What do yall think sexual attraction is?
Why is "Not all men" dismissed, but "Not all [other group]" is often considered valid?
Can’t use bathroom without Chromebook. I’m in high school.
Who’s situation is worst
How I, a non-American, ses America
Does anyone else actually miss the "Edgy" Era of the internet?
Why did so many Gen Z dudes willingly vote for a recession?
Female-Only Gym Owner Faces Backlash for Excluding Trans Women: What's you're opinion on this?
what’s is this growing in my front yard and is it edible?
Remember to say thank you 👸
It begins: Docked riptide
Praying for more recession 🙏
Fanservicey Twitter trend (ft. Julius trying out Tau cuisine)
Largest 3D printed Crisis suit ever?
VTOL dropship for my old style talons
There's a group of veteran boomers that go around my town and stick these inside every urinal. They also put stickers with a Heil Hitler in some spots but not as often.
Can someone explain to me the relevant differences between the P1 and X1 series?
How tall is the P1 with the AMS?