مبارك عليكم الشهر الفضيل🌙⭐️
Ramadan Kareem to the people of UAE 🌙
حيره بعد الخطبه
So sad
Found this in Al Qusais Industrial area 🤣
so no more awkward massage cards around Dubai? | Dubai police shuts down 4 printing shops for printing "Massage Cards"
Face scars
how i cured my phone addiction and took action (finally built an idea I had)
One opinion about cars you'd defend like this?
Abu Dhabi one of the best cities to find love??
Marriage process help!
حد يقارن حياته فيكم
Al Salam Alykum, My Dad Recently Died two days ago and went to the peace of Allah. And I wanted to make this post to give out a peace of advice
Poor people
Cousin’s sister in law detained at Abu Dhabi AirPort
الاغلب ما يحتاج علاج نفسي
نشأت في بيت جاف عاطفيًا
Cousin passed away
Biggest problem you find in UAE?
Question for those who commute in the crazy Dubai traffic morning and evening
الناس اللي قدرت تغير من حياتها تغيير جذري ف عمر ممكن يتعبر متقدم شوي. شو هي قصتكم؟
ليش اغلب الناس ما تطلب المسامحة الا في آخر دقيقة؟