Outjerked by whatever tf this guy is going on about
Who is superman's biggest meat rider
I'm starting to see a weird trend here of people getting hyper defensive about these movies unironically
Rick Remender shared this little bit of nugget on Instagram. Yummy
Forget The Boys, Garth Ennis peaked here, fr
Anybody else think they should bring back racist Wally?
George gives his opinion on all Abbey Road songs
"Perhaps I treated you too harshly"
As we all know, Marvel was an unknown indie series before Iron Man.
Move over Superman, there’s a new Christ-like figure in the DCU
"Faster! Faster! I need my new iPhone!"
Hey, mate, am I in Anonymous?
In honor of women’s day share your favorite character that you jerk off to
Black Panther overrated. Dark Knight best movie ever. Agree?
This chart ranks the 50 most successful superhero movies by their Rotten Tomatoes score. Do you agree?
Is this the fifth beeble?
Does anyone know who the guy on the right next to John is? I bought this photo from the Beatles museum Liverpool
What went wrong with Orphan 55?
the best Beatles film (wins by default b/c no jon or jorge)
Have red skull and magneto ever met. ( Not my meme)
[News] More Absolute DC Books To Come By Che Grayson And Pornsak Pichetshote
Question dropping the ultimate truth bombs
this cover for a George Martin single is AI and it’s disgusting
Movies that will be future classics
Bra self destructed on my body - twice
The morality of separating art from artist, can we do it?