My cat keeps walking me up at 5 am by PUTTING her paws IN MY MOUTH AND EYES.
sensitive cat food
Playing or fighting?
Beagle flinches at sudden light touch to his paws. Should I be worried about it at all?
My employer threatened me to request a second consultation if I call in sick again
Cages full of stone
Server settings for allowing placement of bases on Resources
Warp loops?
Dual monitors not working
Empyrion server
How would I go about...
Am I overreacting?
My cat keeps pooping outside her litter box!!! Please help!
Is It Normal To Just Pee Anywhere Outside In Germany?
Steam Vr-Steam link
A proud Bazzite OS user 😌
Showing up update needed all day. What's wrong?
Why so anti cannabis?
Please till me he’s not ugly 😭
Why is my cat obsessed with me but bites and claws my wife?
So disappointed, I was told I was adopting a purebred American land seal - turns out it’s a pitbull mix 😔
Bazzite is a marvel of a gaming focused daily driver, but I don't think it's for me.
Mango breeding