ups trying to charge me nearly 200CAD to receive a package?
Heading into G5, any tips?
What is this? 25% tariff?
What is this??
🚨 Lost Package Nightmare with UPS 🚨
Bout to trip can anyone recommend me songs
This action scene from Indian movie
Highland RWD in snow
3 months of ownership on a used model 3 at 55k miles and found that the steering wheel was cracking. Tesla wants $1k to service it even though it’s under warranty
They’re getting rid of garbage cans at Richmond Centre , Thoughts?
Trump forgot to put his hand on the bible lol
Are these edible
What game does this describe?
Giving your customers your personal number.
Tranfer Tidal to Tidal music for free
Is it garbage to buy podcast sponsored products
Is this looking alright? I threw out one earlier it got contamination. I just cut this open one to fruit.
Is 277 km on 77 percent charge good for model 3 2019 standard range ?
For those who used a computer between 1995 and 2001, what’s the computer game from that time that sticks with you the most, and why?
My Amazon TV now unmutes itself during Prime Video commercial breaks
What is going on in this doctor's office?
Having to reconnect TD Bank everyday.
Terra Nova today
Star Wars: Tie Fighter
What has become too expensive that it’s no longer worth it?