Gustavo Fring has kids?
Jesse looks like a kid listening to the parents telling him that they're breaking up
The best prison break unexpected edit that you are gonna see 💀
FUN FACT: The girl that spoke in the school speech after the plane crash is actually Brian Cranston real daughter
Does gus have a wife?
Skyler VS Nika
El Camino, why did you like/dislike it
recognition to this girl who managed to survived being with lechero and even tbag, i was expecting that he ended like the panama women
You know it’s bad if even tbag don’t want it😭😭
Bellick getting arrested and convicted
What are your unpopular opinions about Prison Break?
Linconl and sheba
What happened to the quality of Prison Break in S4?
General Krantz the comedian
Anyone feel lj was wasted potential
I love episode 12 from season 4 "Selfless"
TBag with Westmoreland time piece, it has to be?
Boy in Sana'a
Worst acting
Linconl is actually pretty smart
anyone else think tweeners death was the saddest
Is this abruzzi
This is an actual commercial for Black Ops 6
Best romance?