When the enemy team lets you bomb bases over and over
Which premium to buy
What other tanks just feel evil to play in a down-tier?
Yak-130M When?
Xbox Sales
What is a wacky, unique, or interesting vehicle you would like to see added as an event vehicle?
Gaijin Market
When are the Xbox sales bruh
On the topic of owning rare tanks, here's a "unicorn tank" for y'all!
Xbox pack sales
Which premium should I get?
Is it really worth buying?
Which Pack Premium
I just downloaded the game which country should I choose?
What's one vehicle you were expecting to be mid at best, but you turned out loving?
130 bucks? no thanks gaijin. I didn't think the offers could get this high in price
Recipe Ideas?
Is the German maus actually returning?
Is the Jagdtiger a tank? I saw some people arguing that it’s just self propelled gun.
WIBTAH if I dumped someone for voting for Trump 2024
Do I buy top tier or buy an 8.0?
Found some pictures from a trip a while back of the National Museum of the US Air Force in riverside ohio.
is maus coming back this year? and will it be tommorow maybe?
Guys i have a premium tiger II H tanks and was wondering if i can unlock the maus since its a rank 5 vehicle
T-55(A/AM-1/AMD-1) APDS or APFSDS?