Am I too old to audition?
The moment i started my lastest mocks’S i just thought ‘man f*ck this’
Don't panic about mock exams
why do I like watching suicide videos
I got all 9s, AMA
What is something that is slowly killing you but you really enjoy doing anyway?
Pack from japan arrived! (Not clothes but i feel like this relates lol)
Why do you continue living if everything is meaningless?
I regret not killing myself at 14 now I'm 23 and EVERYTHING BECOME SO MUCH WORSE.
How to not be suicidal atleast for one hour?
F15 Most likely won't make it into school next year.
My final goodbye
What would you like to happen after death?
i am killing myself on new years eve
People that suffer from depression, what keeps you going?
What hurts more than a breakup?
I’m so close to just ending it all
Give me a reason to live please..