Please search on the subreddit before making an unnecessary post.
What are unique cards
Rax fest
What are your thoughts on my time dining vs set dining?
Would you rather watch or play sports? Or both?
Do you find girls who like sports/watching sports attractive?
How many NBA players do you have upgraded?
What are the best things to do on Oasis Class ships
what are your opinions on the music in mufasa?
yall think i should accept 😭
solid picks groups?
Which 5 would you choose to be in a girl?
What does prestiging a play card get you?
What’s your favorite video game?
Joker is a Rax machine
Skattebo is about to fund my entire account.
Opinion on country music?
Should i start saving rax for baseball?
What’s your dream height?
Fair trade?
How many total cards do you have?
What did you get for Christmas?
Anybody interested?