This is why Moon Knight ult needs to be nerfed
Getting sick of spiderman players...
It's a long way down!
How many SVP's until I get to say it actually IS my team's fault
Okay, but why? LoL Reddit is going through something...
They tried to warn you, but you didn't listen
FULL Season 1 Battlepass
Monster Original vs Ultra White
Finally hit plat after 81 games. First ever competitive game where I actually try to climb.
Mantis is OP
The game needs more tanks, Here are some potential picks.
Average Yone player
i cant win
Anyone noticing higher ping than usual?
new skin <3
Thoughts on Chosen of the Wolf Katarina?
good simple one worded username ideas?
disgusting champ
Battle Cat Caitlyn by me!
Chosen Of The Wolf Katarina Splash Art ✨
FREE CHALLENGER YASUO LESSON #3 | How to properly utilize E start vs melee champions (baiting out abilities with E, playing slow, keeping stacks)
Yone is broken for at least 6 patches for challengers, dominates pro play and gets buffed regardless.
honor neeko