What's your ADHD Superpower? I am expert level at saving things and never looking at them again.
So becoming invisible as a woman is something that some handle well and others can't stand?
Any ideas for this space in my new bedroom?
WIBTA if I defend my husband against MIL and maybe ruin Christmas?
I was literally dismissed for being an older woman
AITA for not renting out my spare room, simply because I like living alone?
AITA for not giving up my window seat on a plane to a kid just because she threw a tantrum?
What are you supposed to do once you’ve reached the part of your day when you can no longer carry on but you don’t want to stare at your phone all night?
Why are we still expected to disclose our marital status as women in 2024?
AITA for not wanting my child to call my dads wife "grandma"?
I think it's over... pouring one for women's rights, Gaza, Ukraine and the environment
Trump is officially the 47th President of the US, he not only won the electoral collage but also won the popular vote. What went wrong for Harris or what went right for Trump?
Which generation are you and how often do you wash your sheets?
What is your metric for cancelling plans/staying home from work when your child is sick but you are not?
AIW for not wanting to attend my cousin's destination wedding?
People who grew up without smartphones, what did you do on long car rides?
What's your "Im getting too old for this" task?
If you're married or long term committed, do you ever think that if your partner died you wouldn't get with anyone else?
What job(s) are you working that allows you to pick up your kid(s) by 3/4pm?
Am I wrong for ending an interview after I recognised the candidate as someone who recorded me for a TikTok?
AITAH for saying no my girlfriend’s “tradition”
PSA: Get un-ready BEFORE unwinding
What are your sensory "OH HELL NO's"?
Anyone else bad with spending? What’s something you impulsively bought recently?
Body Doubling - am I the only one who doesn’t like it?