Biden: Putin told me he was afraid of US nuclear strike from Ukraine
Is die Deutsche Wirtschaft wirklich kaputt?
If Russia can invite a foreign nation (N Korea) to kick Ukraine off its territory, why can’t Ukraine invite foreign nation to help kick out Russia?
EU plans new sanctions against Russia without, for the first time, Hungary and Slovakia's veto: Sanctions are expected to be imposed on Russian and Belarusian fertilisers and other agri-food products.
Wirtschaftsweise Sub: Anzahl der User steigt auf über 12000. Beschleunigtes Wachstum ;-) Danke!
Fatah: Hamas hat Zerstörung Gazas herbeigeführt
Milliardäre abschaffen
Klemmen für Balkonbalustrade
Romanians in Spain returning to Romania as economic divide between countries has significantly decreased
Zur Abwechslung mal was positives🙃
Protestaktionen in Riesa: AfD-Parteitag kann wegen Blockaden vorerst nicht beginnen
Stolz auf meine Gegend
„I‘m not a politician if you ask a question that I do this blablabla“
Elon Musk's interview with Alice Weidel has striking parallels to much-criticized interview with Russian ruler Putin that Tucker Carlson conducted. Both events draw attention to ability of powerful media personalities and platforms in magnifying harmful narratives and influencing public opinion.
Jedem Zweiten fehlt Motivation auf der Arbeit – Deutsche deutlich unmotivierter als der Durchschnitt.
Rede in Greifswald: Linke Nachwuchspolitikerin bewirft Lindner mit Schaumtorte
Elon Musk talking about Yazidis
US lawmakers push to label Russian war in Ukraine as genocide. A bipartisan group of US House of Representatives members has introduced a draft resolution to recognize Russia's aggression against Ukraine as an act of genocide, Ukraine's Ambassador to the US said.
Didn’t Putin say the same for Ukraine?
Woman in Iran takes off a mullah's turban and uses it to cover her hair after being harassed by him over not wearing the hijab
Kanal der syrischen Führung macht Baerbock auf Fotos unkenntlich
Etwa 41 Prozent der jungen Erwachsenen erwägen einen Umzug ins Ausland
Ukraine eliminates 38,000 Russian troops in Kursk Oblast, captures over 700
AfD-Funktionäre aus Bundestag und Landtag treffen radikale Neonazi-Gruppen in der Schweiz – Scheinkandidatur enthüllt