Where's the best place to sell used socks and underwear?
How to start up an etsy shop or something like that?
Is there a non surgical way to firm breasts?
What can I prep the day before for Christmas dinner?
What supermarket do you shop in and what do you think of their fruit and vegs?
Do you think you're actually nice?
What do you do on Sunday evenings?
Paid £120 to have leak fixed and still have leak - is it worth taking it to a small claims court?
is it weird if i start wearing a necklace an ex got me?
Does anybody remember salt and vinegar quavers?
Did I waste emergency services' time?
Why was Jimmy Saville so popular even though he was a creepy weirdo?
When is next Wednesday?
Are general health checkups in the UK common?
Do you think this was a scam or genuine person?
What’s the most useless coworker you’ve ever had the pleasure of working with?
When crossing at a pelican crossing - do you wave to the drivers to say thank you?
My work friend's jury service has been cancelled. He's planning to not tell work and have 2 weeks off. Is he likely to get found out?
Weird question: did everyone have their local "guy who had a whole sheet of LSD in his pocket, and now thinks he's a glass of orange juice" growing up?
Would going to a Chinese buffet alone be frowned upon?
Women who have long-term partners that don't last long in bed, how do you feel about your sex life?
How did you find your partner?
What is the cruelest thing you've heard one woman say to another?
Women who have no so perky breasts, have you ever found anything that actually helped or just had to come to terms with it?