Beeves in: Apiphobia and alprazolam
Uhmmm…. Is that what I think it is?!
Redditors, how would you prove you're sane if you were put in a psychiatric hospital?
One years worth of Homemade soap for basically $0
My 11 yr old son got in trouble for drawing this in school.
Probably one of the best videos we we’ve ever had
The song Bohemian Rhapsody is a TERRIBLE song
Beeves beholds a bodacious biddy
Favorite boomhauer moment?
YSK: If your medication gives you lots of sideeffects, ask for a Cytochrome p450 Genetic Test
YSK If your medication gives lots of sideeffects ask for a cytochrome p450 Gene Test
I guess it is something related to social classes, Petah?
Bro aged 10 years in one realization.
Something that’s been bothering me about Jake
Gooner (OC)
Korn's former bassist Fieldy says he hasn't spoken to anyone in the band in over 5 years
What's the creepiest display of intelligence you've come across?
First-ever scan of a dying human brain reveals life may actually 'flash before your eyes'
Why are people mean to strangers without any obvious gain?
Ouch, I know I'm ugly, but still lol
Ethan & Hila Klein lawsuit
Man I’ve sat here for like an hour coming up with some funny variation on BFT. Like “alright acquaintance soon” but I got nothing. Caroline has started a new thing tho
What is the craziest coincidence in your life?
Planet of the gapes