Absolutely beginner "drummer" seeking for advice
I have no idea what to do.
Is atheism a choice?
Wich technique is better for fast blast beats?
Can anyone else relate?
Anyone got any tips or exercises for drumming I only have a drum pad atm
How to get my feet to stop following my hands when marking time?
Where did the idea of lust being a “sin” in abrahamic religions actually come from?
Drumset Packets
Breaking out of quarter note triplets (advice,please)
Songs with my name in them
Wondering if there’s any way for me to improve how I look and my arm movements on drums
Tips for someone with ADHD trying to learn songs
Songs in 3/4 or 7/8
tips on making my setup more ergonomic
Taylor Swift’s “I Hate It Here” gives serious Puer Aeternus vibes
I'm a Christian but I'm considering dropping Christianity
Is there any rudiment that i should be practicing more often?
Break on through (the doors) swung or straight?
Does anyone recomend me a band?
flams suck
Does anyone know what this notation means?
In honor of International Left Handers Day, who is your favorite left-handed drummer?
I do not recall dreams