Urgent help needed to leave my home
Urgent help needed for Masters
How to deal with intense nightmare?
Today my therapist told me I may have CPTSD
How to improve my application with a horrible GPA
where are you from?
I feel jealous of Muslims from more secular countries
My Islamiat teacher video just got leaked
Low GPA - International student
I've convinced my stepdad and mom not to take me to Pakistan, but they're instead bringing an Imam to talk to me
Wish I could just disappear
Being Intelligent is the biggest curse for Muslim Kids
Update to my original post "NeverMo here, my mom has converted to Islam and my new stepdad is a control freak. Not sure what to do?" for anyone interested
Please help me get out of Pakistan
What is one thing you learned in therapy, that helped you level up?
Little reminder about "red flags"
I’m finally getting over him
How to deal with feelings of loneliness/heartbreak
Today, I promise to be the best version of myself
Even girl friends can be energy vampires
Signs You've Been F*ckzoned
Say it with me: I will not be disrespected again
How do you remove a guy from your life when you see him everyday?
Religion is by men, for men