Curious, which Hot take about The Pokemon franchise will have you like this?
I’m about to start my first playthrough! Any advice for me and Rosie?
Think this should be the whole world.
You're her lawyer, defend her in court
My time has come.
Raccoon girl enters the chat
Best moth pokemon?
One Serving Choice! Page 557
Butterstick is already for her adventure. One final question-Who is she romancing?
my owner keeps feeding me chocolate, do u think she wants me to d*e u・ェ・u
Am I tripping or does my new Durge Drow remind you of anyone?
my baldur’s gate 3 live action fan cast
Felt cute~
Alfira Boob Glitch??
Stylized raptor art (OC)
the horny full moon
Planet zoo habitat species community voting (Round 38). The Snow leopard, caracal and seal have been yeeted outta here. Who's next?
Fantastical Multiverse
I’ve gotten so FAT
What's an animal you think it's unnapreciated/underrated that you really like and think people should build more for it?
Since the game is on sale again, which one of these 3 should I get? I'm only allowed 1 so don't say "all of them" please.
Weekly Thread
What monster do you not want to return in wilds
I’ve been doing inventory of my University’s ornithology mount collection.. I’m a little jealous
Planet Zoo habitat species community voting (Round 26). The babirusa, Pallas cat and the reindeer(finally) have been chucked out. Who's getting it next?