Recently finished my first pedalboard and wanted to showoff my rig
Clear coat finish on an acrylic body
This person is not Alex Jones any more.
Time Migration: How far would you hibernate into the future if you could?
„Alice“ mixing woodburning with staining
„Black Corina“ - always wanted to build an all natural J Bass
had so much time on my hands this holiday season!
naturally natural Nature
I've just finished painting this PRS, a tribute to Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas!
Need advice!
title about a colorful guitar
the elderly gentleman‘s guitar!
the blue black bird basquaity one
We were somewhere around Barstow on the edge of the desert when the drugs began to take hold.
this guitar kills demons
Help me pick the next upgrade to my frankenbass
the female of the species is always deadlier than its male counterpart
Imagine burning this much money on a bass and thinking it’s a flex
China, Russia + are pissed at USA/the west.
Any Experience with Patrick Sims?
What keeps you playing BattleBit?
Grain filler for birch?
Got Da Life