Vampire stereotypes
Class consciousness
Help reading a location
Which is your favorite Bingo quote?
Creative response ideas for declining a calling? I'm PIMO and attend Church for my spouse. Welcoming any suggestions from very spicy to polite. I don't care if I offend them.
TBM women and plastic surgery
What do I say when someone says why don’t you believe in the church
The episode is called, a breach of the Geneva Convention!
Mother told me my non-Mormon wedding day would be “a very hard day” for her— should I still invite her
Given that "Gypsy" is a slur, would you consider that name a Tragedeigh?
Why can’t they accept that not everyone believes in god ?!
7 yr old's first experience with death and first time inside a mormon church. Help!
Well .. now I'm sad.
Wondering if Polyam is the next step for us. Curious if any women have more than one husband.
Need advice on something that happened forty years ago
I’m always conflicted between hoping the church goes hard right to become more toxic so that is implodes, or hoping the church turns the corner and becomes healthier for its members.
Exmormons: What was your breaking point for cutting ties with the church?
Human female eggs do not carry chromosomes
How do you stop looking like a Mormon?
Mormon churches are so…. Blah
My TBM wife agreed to read the happiness letter and the CES letter if I read the BoM all the way through... but I really don't want to read the BoM 😅😟😭
Plastic surgery
Afterlife According to Hasidic Judaism