Islamic dress code for women is stifling
The math is strong with this one
Beating the wife
Islam treats women like objects
Weird hadith
This post got popular recently, but there is some missing context to it.(As a Syrian)
Where in the Quran does it allow sex slavery
Five stages of grief during the process of learning about islam
Question: Would Muhammad still say this if he was still married to Khadija? The woman who financially supported his broke arse?
Islam : The weapon of mass manipulation
so women are tools to use by shytan? what a joke
Does not agreeing with Hadiths take me out of the fold of Islam?
People around Muhamad knew he was bullshitting
so yesterday I cam across this 30 min video showing how Muhamad got Saffiya ( after killing her father, brother, and husband) - i kept crying over her and her sister for over half an hour - my soul was truly agonized by this
What made you realize Islam was false?
Women receive half the inheritance of men
Muslim justifying slavery and rape
Going through the five stages of grief process before leaving islam
this video needs to be shared more
Lovely ahadith
Does the Qur’an compel the women to cover their heads?