What are some French-Arabic words used in Lebanon?
Help my child
Can I have magic mushrooms while being myoclonic epileptic?
KOH 3 days of treatment. Is it supposed to look this bad?
What’s this white dot on my mole?
A shop like Galartsy, but not a scam?
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Any Orthodox Christians in Nanaimo?
Kdramas about high school love triangle
[REQUEST] Fundamentals of Social Research, 6th Canadian Edition by Earl Babbie, Jason D. Edgerton
Wtf is this in departure bay!?
AIO to cheating?
AIO about the arguments me (f18) and my (m21) bf have?
FaceTime makes a loud random sound
Does anyone know any Balkan people at VIU
Does VIU let you rent a room for studying?
Customer wants refund while item is in transit
HiddenSamples review (for women)
What made you watch TVD in the first place???
Is this more molluscum?
My dad (56M) stopped visiting my moms grave because step “mom” (48F) is jealous
What’s your scariest epilepsy story?
Income tax rate in Belgium compared to Sweden