WTW for you're not part of a specific trained or informed group?
Is it possible to buy crypto on a schedule?
WTW for when you think someone sucks and everyone else thinks they're great, but then they do something that shows everyone they suck?
What do you think boimler is looking at here?
If you could remove one word from the english language, which would it be?
Does the holodeck have limitations in its ability to create the illusion of space?
WTW for when two things cancel each other out, making it impossible or noy make any sense?
Why can’t we say “dead” or “died”?
Name for a band made up entirely of podiatrists.
The original idiom, “champing at the bit,” is now widely accepted as “chomping.” What other idioms have been bone-apple-tea’d into existence?
WTW for a non perjorative word for a woman who enjoys or is eager to have sex.
BTC limit orders don't execute
Can anyone in this group do the Vulcan hand sign are is it hard for you to do just like it is for me?
Say anything and I’ll connect it to Chicken Little
LD Community.
Mad Men was originally passed on by HBO, how do you think the show would differ if they’d picked it up?
Holy sh!t, this is great!
Am I just too old?
WTW for an embarrassing situation/fiasco
WTP for when someone says the status quo “isn’t perfect but it’s the better than the alternative” as an excuse not to improve the status quo?
What slang word are you sick of hearing
WTW for something outdated that is cruel and barbaric?
5 card stud nothing wild...
What’s something people romanticize but it’s actually horrible?
What has gradually vanished from society over the past 20 years without many people noticing?