We're all a bit heartbroken
okay but what’s y’all’s MCR song you heard awhile ago and than you loved it ever since and that never changed?
I just wrote my resignation letter...
What's the game with the worst controls?
30M, second apartment living with my Girlfriend. Is it too much? Thoughts?
What songs do you ACTUALLY like from The Fall?
Give me a number between 1-100 and I’ll give you a movie to watch
What's your favorite song from Bullets?
How would you increase business at Bob’s Burgers?
Games that have made you tear up
what do you think is the best album closing track and why (if there’s a reason)?
What are your underrated Gorillaz opinions?
Favorite/funniest ways customers say drinks?
Hello i have a question,, how much is yhat bag worth?xx
Eyelashes shouldn't be so difficult
anyone have video of still into you from orlando last night?
Dumb question potentially, but anyone know how to fill in empty rooms like this? They only exist for exterior shape but they ruin the view from the inside
Gerard Way Panned my sexuality
I feel like I shouldn't like this song, but this is definitely one of my favorites off of Humanz. What are your thoughtz?
Gerard met gala lewk
I drew Gerard!!! 🤍🎶
Look into the eyes of this gray whale.
Warning: if a client who commissions you for artwork says they only pay with an online check, it’s a scam. Block them immediately.
concerned apes birthday today !! I think I made this three years ago now.