What do the women of chennai expect from a dating app
Dating apps
We miss 💯 of the shots we don't take.
Hinge vs Bumble
Am I in the wrong, need feedback😭
1.5 years transformation [69,5’9]
31[M4F]india- Deep conversations
What is the smallest thing for which you are grateful?
things to do in chennai
Should I pursue a girl who has had 5 ex boyfriends?
30[R4R] Chennai - 2024 coming to a close.....
Bat problems.
Thoughts from a guy who don't follow rule 1 and 2
Socializing groups / clubs Chennai
19M, 6’4 - 105kg, 2years into lifting, “don’t be afraid to put on weight”
What’s your WHY behind wellness
Even parents hate thier kids if they are jobless?
Is there any saloon that style your hair for mens
Got scammed by a girl i met on tinder now i am devastated what to do?