I feel like I’m going backwards
Your v-free streak?
How did u come to terms w ur sexuality?
I only gave up 2 things and added 3 things for lent.
How do you deal with narcissists in real life?
I’m scared
I need tips on how to grow in with
my social anxiety is out of hand and i cannot live with it.
How many pillows do you have on your bed?
Scared after going shopping
I did it!
I’m so scared.
Can someone talk?
Weirdest food you can’t eat?
How tf do yall drive
Do you guys support LGBTQ
Go too activity when feeling rough but not bed ridden depressed?
How many times have you ever actually tu ?
What’s something you pray for every day?
If you met your childhood self now, how would you feel about them?
Having too leave hs