George H W Bush was the first Republican to win the election without winning Iowa.
JFK's campaign song, "High Hopes," was originally made for the 1959 movie, "A Hole in the Head." Sinatra changed the lyrics for JFK's 1960 campaign.
Vice President Joe Biden swinging a baseball bat at you.
Favorite mustache (or facial hair) on a President or major nominee?
The eight states in the U.S. that prohibit atheists from holding any public office.
Which VP cast the most important tie-breaking vote?
Every time a Democrat has won Ohio they won the whole election.
Who's Your Favorite President?
Did James Madison intend the Bill of Rights to be applicable only to the federal government or also to the states?
Photo of Lincoln’s 2nd Inauguration (3/4/1865)
The longest landslide streak took place between 1920 and 1956
Presidential History Nerds Rejoice!!
Fun fact 1924 was the only election between 1868 and 1952 that didn't have a major candidate from Ohio or New york
How Far Each President’s Birthplace is to The White House (Estimated)
Why did voter turnout decrease in 1932?
what would have happened if the dixiecrats somehow managed to win
If West Virginia were a state in 1860, John C. Breckinridge would win it, while John Bell would still win Virginia.
Results: American Presidential Election Popular Votes 1788-2012 if only r/Presidents voted: Decided by 167-person poll
Was Goldwater as crazy as they said he was? 1,189 psychiatrists can’t be wrong can they?
What was the appeal for northern Democrats?
Do you think Northern migration to Florida was one of the main reasons it broke off the Solid South relatively early on the presidential level?
When even your own party hates you:
How often is it that a President/VP met a former President/VP as a kid?
The Billion Dollar Congress
Which president is the biggest state hero?