40 and interested in making friends
[Landlord: US-CA] To-do list for new unit/landlords
Costco First Aid Kit
Do you have your birth certificate?
What came into my wardrobe this winter [December - February] and why
Please contact MMM on the reconciliation bill.
Response to Neonazi March
Don’t Break the Ice
Can anyone ELI5/Bullet point succinctly Bernie’s advice tonight?
If you got in to the Bernie speech at the Englert, what time did you get in line?
Massester botox- jaw clenching
Should I go out and buy a pewpew to protect myself and my family?
Important Doc Storage (portable)
A Delta flight from Minneapolis crashed at Toronto Pearson just now
My cat is ruining my life
Head of states on India and US along with their advisors
President's Day
I (M) pay over 50$ per haircut
3-4 bedroom home rental
Want to Retire in a Democracy
As someone who lived through a coup attempt in my home country and its aftermath I have few things to share
stay inside tonight
My husband just gave me “the talk” about my weight
Call your senators today
De-Escalation and/or Self Defense Courses in IC?