Anyone think that Gino is finally going to get BUYERS REMORSE anytime soon
Thoughts and suggestions for improvement after two weeks of games
Everyone doing ok out there??
Why do the mist seem so disjointed compared to other teams?
Sophie is horrible
ESPN Analyst Bobby Marks throws Bulls into idiotic trades.
Gino has a mullet!
Why did the therapists not bring up it's insane she had his passwords!?!
They're baaaaccckkkk
GAME THREAD: Nuggets (22-15) @ Mavericks (22-16) | Jan 12, 2025 - 1:00 PM
Natalie, the philanthropist
Dear Canada. I'm sorry. Could you maybe annex us instead?
90 Day: The Last Resort - Season 2 Episode 6 - Live Episode Discussion
Anyone see this?
If you could design the perfect 90 Day: The Last Resort cast for next season, who would be on it?
Between The Sheets is losing its shine
In light of the news that Josh was trying to pick up Sophie, it makes sense to me that you would feel disrespected if your wife was grinding on other guys at the Last Resort party.
Why did Melkor and Sauron hate humans, elves and dwarves?
I am so done seeing Mr. Potato head
Gino Takes Viagra To Beat Off To Porn?!?!?!?
The way Florian jumped in Jasmine's face was scary
He said he wished me a "Happy New Rear"!
Last Resort: How long is too long to not have sex with your partner?
Between the Sheets is better than Pillow Talk
Do you guys think Beleriand was purposely destroyed by the Valar because it was the land most corrupted by Morgoth? Or was it just purely by accident because of the war?