Porn communities are the reason why I quit porn and will never go back.
Day 1, wish me luck.
Day 1 of quitting porn
Anyone else can't wait until TikTok is banned?
Reached the cuckold fetish. Need help to rewrite my brain and get better. How..
Advice needed on how to talk to my partner about his porn addiction
Day 43 can’t believe I lived for porn everyday prior. Keep busy you can do it everyone
Quitting porn. Not for my personal health but because the culture around it is very toxic.
Update on my 3rd world conquest campaign
What are the drill icons on the map for?
What is the best Legendary lord for killing other characters?/single entities
Most hated faction to fight against in singleplayer
The stunties are despicable oathbreakers and I hate them
What is your favorite trailer?
Every time I want to try a new race, I just end up playing the Empire (send help)
Desperately need more RTU
Has this wetbrain imbecile abandon the cats now ever since some guy in VR called him out on the hello Kitty fridge magnets & cat grift?? 😂 he really is a brain damaged wetard but yeh we the “reddit trolls” huh lil mikey🙄
Endgame scenarios: why?
If you play total war and tabletop whfb: do your favourite factions in each align?
I feel like i could replay this battle 50 times and loose all 50. I am terrible at fighting Khorne
Have you ever lost a campaign?
Why is Warhammer 3 viewed more negatively all over the internet, except for Reddit?
What is your least played Legendary Lord?