Second Floor Door [Yashica-Mat 124, Kodak Gold 200]
Throwing Around [Portra 400, RB67, 90mm KL]
Going the Distance 🏁 ColorPlus 200, Canon Elan 7, 70-210mm
First time here, be real with me.
Hi Everyone! Anything I can do better technically for shooting my model kits? Jumped into photography 6 months ago, single best improvements were going from a phone to a D5600 and then getting a light booth(Foldio3).
Would it be relapsing if I bought edibles tonight?
What is that white powder?
Why Do Photographers Outsource Photo Editing?
What could I do with a totally blurry photo.
First time seeing the “Near Mint” lie…
Do You Still Have A Local Camera Store?
Why is infrared dust removal on Silverfast Scanning doing this to my image?
New to me Camera came in a disgustingly stinky bag
Commute from Wyoming to Muskegon
Mindset has changed so much
Question for lab employees
Remember, friends don’t let friends buy from cutecameraco
Nice Rangefinder Cameras?
Nikon N8008 won’t turn on
First or second photo? [Leitz Minolta CL, M-Rokkor 40mm, Ultramax]
Best labs to mail in 35mm film for development?
How to fix the dent on my canon ae-1
Remove cigarette smell from Pentax K-1000
4 months worth of disposable cameras at a film lab
Developing and scanning film