How do I keep pehkui scaling even on rejoin?
I have my first job interview soon, any advice?
How many alters do you have? “Way too fricking many”
No way this is real.
Mountford Hall concert venue, do they have rules on when you can start queuing, and where can I find them?
How do you arrange a co-host?
What causes long dissociative episodes, and how can I get out of one?
I experienced my first moments of amnesia
Found this post on a tumblr blog when I was in the middle of blocking spambots. Guess what I did next?
Questioning OSDD 1A system
What's the general consensus/your opinion on this game?
I will be too specific and dangerous
The Power of Skarlow! (Art by muffindoodlesstuff)
I didn’t want to look for the rest of the anti trans comics, but this one was actually pretty cool looking ngl
What are r/LGBT’s favorite fandoms?
When you just want a straight answer…
Unpopular Basil headcanons. Share your headcanon that’ll make the rest of the fandom want to oyasumi
You can add 1 curse word into the series. Where is it?
bot_en unofficial testing post
welp tim to annoy Bot_en
This is the ultimate tragedy :(
Could I try the name Caleb? I use he/him :)
Media stop feeding us drama
Day 29 of 39 - (2x19) Oh Titan Where Art Thou was eliminated. Vote for your least favorite Owl House episode below!
Why are some of y'all disrespecting my Xenogender homies?