Aaaaaah bueno...
if my eyes are level with 5'9 how tall should i be?
Venezolana grita "Que viva Pinochet!!"... En Chile 😳
No soy Chileno, pero me pueden explicar por qué Chile se deja invadir por esta clase de gente? 🤔
Redesigning my city's flag attempt #2
Fui Guardia del Metro durante el estallido Social, hagan sus preguntas
Name a game.
Eye-width to nose-width is the only accurate way to determine if a nose is wide (nose to be 1.1-1.4x wider than eye)
5'10 is short bro (while this is the difference beetween 6' and 5'10) LOL delulu 5'10 kings.
Comment annoyed me, so I checked her profile. Swipe left to see the comment that made me smile.
Iraqui flag proposal inspired in the old flag but the Euphrates and Tigris rivers are represented
Stylization of world flags
EL SALVADOR: Les reducen su sentencia 2 días por cada día trabajado. 🏭🧑🏭
Es inevitable
Who do I look like?
Guess what country I'm from
Who wants to be a millionaire £32K question.
Pase escolar de 1994
a que pais les gustaría emigrar
Muslim pontic greeks flag
What would you Name this Nation?
Somos el mejor país de Chile hermano