Garlic bread supremacy
How long are you ill for?
How long does it take for you to get rid of the cramps that lactose intolerance causes?
As a late 20s male with no dating experience, how do I come to terms that I'll never experience young love?
Ohhhh the joys of online dating!
I’m 29 years old, and I’m just learning that canned and frozen vegetables are just as nutritious as fresh
As a Java player who recently got Bedrock edition… what in the Fuck did Microsoft do to this game.
Soup recommendations?
When Aang supported Katara's protest against sexism.
How much lactose/dairy can you eat without feeling sick?
Just discovered that i now have lactose intolerance along with IC.
Canned Hardboiled Deviled Eggs
Fuck soy in everything
Deglazing ground beef with some red wine I had in the freezer led to this beauty
Thoughts on open relationships?
Why do you add milk in tea?
What sites did you used to use before you discovered Reddit?
Dairy free pizza
What does “horny” feel like?
Some so-called "ace spec" labels are just absurd.
How did the Boomers become so uninterested in their own children and grandchildren?
curly hair is just not sustainable and i’m at my breaking point
What was like, the DUMBEST thing you said that made you realized that your ace
Minoxidil is helping, but I’m experiencing unwanted hair growth on my face/body – what should I do?
Anyone else have this spot and what has your derm said?