Equipment bundle for backstage areas
scissor lift with varied heights
Choose your seat
its been over a year, thoughts on the updated logo
Got a new MC skin:
How often do your parents fight?
Why is everything so huge...
anyone else see the resemblance?
[Great Adventure] Has a New Logo!
Genuine question: WTF DOES A PARK HAVE AN SLC AND B&M INVERT???? why have both, its one or the other (park is [La Ronde] btw)
Do guys prefer big or small boobs?
i made this
mostly me ranting
i hope all reddit mods just drop dead (espesicaly automod)
for jack (more in comments)
i made this for jack (url in comments)
I made the quiz for jack (link in comments)
why does jack have an account with an OG profile picture?
Make a burger
We have a leaderboard now?
Ask me anything about Jack or his channels and then edit it to make me look like I don’t know anything
This Thumbnail is seriously uncanny
favorite theme park youtubers or specific video?
Do you have reddit Premium?
whats he sucking on there?