Employer went bankrupt back in October and I have no HR to contact for my W-2
Chronic Heartburn Over 16 Hours
On a cruise and saw this guy
Throbbing headache and nausea
Is this bush too dense?
Is this a “century plant”?
Where to go from here? Break it? Fix it?
Battle Pass Rewards reset as well as my Weekly Quests since week 1 of the season?
What could cause an outside water faucet to turn all the way on by itself?
What is that melody?!
What is the max a day?
Fuzzy little tree???
80 lb Great Pyr ate a 1 lb bag of salted almonds
Spell for the Earth
What are these?
What sexual act did you think was totally overrated after you tried it?
Im freaking out right now. Please tell me if its possible to choke on my own tongue
Did anyone else eat yellow spaghetti growing up? I never learned how to make it but I would do anything for the recipe! I know my grandma always used tomatoes and kraft singles but I can’t remember anything else about the recipe. Open to guesses!
Where, as a tourist, can I smoke weed?
Flight Delays
Any first timer tips?
Tips to avoid resin-y joints
My husband and I have sex 1-2 a month. I initiate contact every time. He doesn’t pursue me. He has a porn addiction. I’m frankly sex deprived. Any insight?
Have a sore throat. Tested negative for strep twice but doctor said it looks like strep so we should treat it like strep. Is that the right call?
What is this tree in my yard? We have 3 of the same tree but each look different. Are they actually different?