Hey I just left a minor emergency office and it was weird
What can I improve?
What's the fastest you've ever gone on a bicycle, and how did you do it?
Been trying out various styles and lengths over the past couple years. Which of these suit me best?
Am I balding 17M
PSA: Turn of your strobing headlamps when you're on the trail.
Do Men Really Like to Deal with Shit Alone?
No spoilers please! I had the "main idea" of what the Dark Tower is spoiled for me. How much is actually lost?
I reported my husbands sexual abuse towards me and I’m having a hard time coping.
Should I read Berserk?
What’s an unpopular horror book you love?
Quick question to figure some stuff out with calorie counting
One last problem for winter riding to solve…
Opinions on this book? See description for more.
Can Cycling Mess Up Your Knees?
i was on a date last night, i was complimenting him about his personality basically cute & stuff, he said “no one has ever said that to me before.” i feel so sad for men now, is it really that bad?
24F, how should I fix the ugly?
How much do you love your fav bike shop?
Has anyone in Tulsa seen this girl.
I feel ugly
Please help with honesty (F20)
Tulsa's "best" Food is often just below average to mediocre.
In your opinion, what’s the worst King movie adaptation, and why is it Dreamcatcher?
What’s your minimum temp to ride in?
Pickle beer?