Looking for Fellow Hunter's
Why does the map bug away
Great to see you again, Alyn. I've really missed you.
Should I buy the Fortnite crew
I did it....
Did you let Patches live?
What was your first reaction when you saw this enemy sending?
Hunting other players - Skill Weapons (OC)
Invader Hunters
Forbidden Woods
One of the best challenges in the game. Agree?
Real ones
People of Culture
Any real
A Different Kind of Hunter
What do you think about Rotten Penny?
TIL they blue elixir helps you avoid enemy detection. All these years i thought it was for PvP. Whats your big dumb moment?
When you get lifted by the Kidnapper.
None Of You Realize
No matter how hard things get you can always count on this lil guy and his 5 blood vails
Hardest part of platinuming bloodborne?
I think my son overheard me
Say something
When We are Easily Offended